I get a lot of wrong numbers on my phone. Lots of times when I come home from work I'll have a message or 2 from people looking for someone who isn't me. The other night I had the weirdest message I have ever had in my life. It was mostly one guy talking. It sounded as if his cell phone had been in his pocket and somehow dialed my phone number. Although I have no idea how that could happen.
The guy on the phone seemed pretty upset over some money and kept asking the other guy in the background if he had the money. He kept saying stuff like "Do you have the money? Cause if you don't then that means the money has to come out of my fuckin pocket and I don't want to have to do that. Do you have the money? We can go to the bank right now." I couldn't really hear what the other guy was saying. He was getting pretty upset with the guy by the end. My answering machine ran out of time (it gives like 3 mins per message) and cut off the coversation. WEIRD.
I went and saw Emily Rose...on ummm Monday. I have to say I really liked it. It was a really good story and it had kinda a surprise ending.
♥ I'm getting a Starbucks Visa. Yes Starbucks has a credit card. Why??? Cause they can.
♥ I really want the Roseanne Season one boxset. I used to watch that show ALL the time.
♥ I've been drinking orange juice like 2 times a day. I now call it Florida sunshine in a glass.
These are the super cool sun glasses I found in the washrrom at the mall. Yes I took them.
This is a page from my Ikea catalogue that I have in Chinese. It' awesome! It's the sameone as my english one.
I have an off site job at work on Oct 3. I'll be Harbourfront, helping Cornelia Funke promote her new book. She wrote Theif Lord, Dragon Rider and Inkheart. I'm not 100% sure what I'm going to be doing, but if you are in the area you can stop by and see me. I'm pretty excited about it, cause it's like my real first off site job alone and I've read her books. This is when I love my job and even though I don't get paid extra I can't wait.
I walked into a door the other day. Ok I was trying to go through the door and missed. Cut up my finger pretty bad. Well ok not that bad, it just wouldn't stop bleeding. It' still sore and having a job where I use my hands all the time and I jam them between books and open boxes and stuff it just makes it worse.
awwww I miss him so much
ok, I think that will do.
The guy on the phone seemed pretty upset over some money and kept asking the other guy in the background if he had the money. He kept saying stuff like "Do you have the money? Cause if you don't then that means the money has to come out of my fuckin pocket and I don't want to have to do that. Do you have the money? We can go to the bank right now." I couldn't really hear what the other guy was saying. He was getting pretty upset with the guy by the end. My answering machine ran out of time (it gives like 3 mins per message) and cut off the coversation. WEIRD.

I went and saw Emily Rose...on ummm Monday. I have to say I really liked it. It was a really good story and it had kinda a surprise ending.
♥ I'm getting a Starbucks Visa. Yes Starbucks has a credit card. Why??? Cause they can.
♥ I really want the Roseanne Season one boxset. I used to watch that show ALL the time.
♥ I've been drinking orange juice like 2 times a day. I now call it Florida sunshine in a glass.

These are the super cool sun glasses I found in the washrrom at the mall. Yes I took them.

This is a page from my Ikea catalogue that I have in Chinese. It' awesome! It's the sameone as my english one.
I have an off site job at work on Oct 3. I'll be Harbourfront, helping Cornelia Funke promote her new book. She wrote Theif Lord, Dragon Rider and Inkheart. I'm not 100% sure what I'm going to be doing, but if you are in the area you can stop by and see me. I'm pretty excited about it, cause it's like my real first off site job alone and I've read her books. This is when I love my job and even though I don't get paid extra I can't wait.
I walked into a door the other day. Ok I was trying to go through the door and missed. Cut up my finger pretty bad. Well ok not that bad, it just wouldn't stop bleeding. It' still sore and having a job where I use my hands all the time and I jam them between books and open boxes and stuff it just makes it worse.

ok, I think that will do.
anyway dove, don't delete me....
-the geist