So I was watching the Weather Network the other day as I was getting ready to go to work. At one point they were talking to people about Katrina and it's effects in Canada. This one lady said something so shocking that I had to sit down and then spend 15 mins talking to myself. She said something along the lines of this:
"I understand and sympathize for the people in New Orleans who are having to live this nightmare, but I don't know why we Canadians are having to pay for it with our gas prices." She said this while standing next to her new SUV. I thought "Oh I'm sorry that you have to pay an extra $20 or $30 a month so you can get your kids to school and soccer practice." People have lost everything...EVERYTHING...everything from their home to family members and you're upset cause of the price of gas. (We're paying about $1.06 a liter in Toronto as of today) People like this just piss me off. In fact people like that shouldn't even be in Canada.
Ok. Let's move on to something else.
Like pictures. YAY!

♥ I bought new Chuck Taylor's yesterday before I was even dressed. Thank God for ebay. They are green with a blue trim. I should have put the money towards my Visa bill...but hey what's another $30?
♥ Ok I've seen the movie Constantine about 8 times. But just tonight I found out there is more AFTER the credits!!! I couldn't believe it. It's only like 60 seconds, but worth the wait.
♥ I watched Life Aquatic the other night. Pretty good movie. In fact I watched it 2 times in 48 hours. The colours are amazing and the music is pretty cool. Almost video game music.
Went to Ikea this afternoon, for fun.
Awesome Tim Burton's Corpse Bride Billboard
- Hockey season starts in less then a month! About fuckin time. It's almost going to feel weird to watch real hockey again...almost.
- I just found out that The Comedy Network is going to show Stella. I started watching this show while I was in GA. I'm very glad that I'm going to be able to watch in here.
- I'm re-reading Narnia. I'm half way through the 3rd book, A Horse and his boy. I haven't read them in a while and since the movie is coming out I thought I'd touch up on my Narnia....but The Lion, Witch and wardrobe might be the worst one of them all. Why not mke movies for ALL the books?
- I've been eating Smartfood popcorn ALL week.
- I'm so much cooler then Hang_Em_High

"I understand and sympathize for the people in New Orleans who are having to live this nightmare, but I don't know why we Canadians are having to pay for it with our gas prices." She said this while standing next to her new SUV. I thought "Oh I'm sorry that you have to pay an extra $20 or $30 a month so you can get your kids to school and soccer practice." People have lost everything...EVERYTHING...everything from their home to family members and you're upset cause of the price of gas. (We're paying about $1.06 a liter in Toronto as of today) People like this just piss me off. In fact people like that shouldn't even be in Canada.
Ok. Let's move on to something else.
Like pictures. YAY!

♥ I bought new Chuck Taylor's yesterday before I was even dressed. Thank God for ebay. They are green with a blue trim. I should have put the money towards my Visa bill...but hey what's another $30?
♥ Ok I've seen the movie Constantine about 8 times. But just tonight I found out there is more AFTER the credits!!! I couldn't believe it. It's only like 60 seconds, but worth the wait.
♥ I watched Life Aquatic the other night. Pretty good movie. In fact I watched it 2 times in 48 hours. The colours are amazing and the music is pretty cool. Almost video game music.
Went to Ikea this afternoon, for fun.

Awesome Tim Burton's Corpse Bride Billboard

- Hockey season starts in less then a month! About fuckin time. It's almost going to feel weird to watch real hockey again...almost.
- I just found out that The Comedy Network is going to show Stella. I started watching this show while I was in GA. I'm very glad that I'm going to be able to watch in here.
- I'm re-reading Narnia. I'm half way through the 3rd book, A Horse and his boy. I haven't read them in a while and since the movie is coming out I thought I'd touch up on my Narnia....but The Lion, Witch and wardrobe might be the worst one of them all. Why not mke movies for ALL the books?
- I've been eating Smartfood popcorn ALL week.
- I'm so much cooler then Hang_Em_High

So this guy came in today. (I had already finished his appointment.) He want's me to fix SOME OTHER SHOPS' FUCK UP! I say "no problem but I have to do this ladies car first because she has an appointment" He says, but I have an appointment and you aren't done with me yet!!"
I politely tell him that I already finished his appointment and that if he wants something else, he'll have to wait until I'm done with the ladies appointment. At this point he started cussing me, the store, and the whole town of Valdosta. Literally! He said "Fuck this bumblefuck stupid pundunk town, people here don't know what the fuck they're doing!"
Then he asks the lady (who had been patientlly waiting for her appointment, which is now running late becuase of this jackass) "You don't mind if he works on my car for about 15 min. do you, before he does your appointment?" the lady who is pretty intimidated says ok.. Then 5 min. later she says she's cancelling the appointment and returns all the shit she bought becuase we "couldn't keep our appointments!!!!" What the fuck!!!!!!!!!!! So of course the manager comes and bitches at us etc....
The moral of the story...... Customers are stupid jackasses!!!!
If I was pretty like you maybe that guy wouldn't have cussed me out.
Love you