There's something abou the CN Tower that feels like home.
Good to be home, in a way. Things are slowly falling back iinto place. Back to work. Up before the sun some days. Out till the sun has long gone to bed. Waiting for the subway and street cars again. I haven't even been home for a week and I've already had McDonalds 3 times. So yeah things are falling back into place. It's nice to be back in Canada and have things like Canadian beer again. Sigh. PBR can go fuck itself.

Went to a bar last Friday night. Saw Tegan there.

We took the long way home and passed this old creepy building. I think that this is the guard dog.

While waiting for the Street Car we saw that this type writter was also waiting. I don't know why it was waiting for the Street Car. It didn't have any money.

I think it's safe to say that fall is on it's way. You need a sweater when you go ut at night and on some trees the leaves are already changing. Sadly before you can even think about it, winter will be here. Fuck I hate winter. But I'm really not going to think about it now. I love fall, it's my favorite. I just wished it lasted longer then it does.
I've noticed that random people will talk to me about nothing and I hate it sooooo much! This is what happend the other night when I was walking down the street. This guys is walking almost beside me and says "Hi". I thought he was just on his phone so didn't say anything. Then he looks right at me and says
I look at him and say "hi" back
"How are you?"
"I'm alright. You?"
"Yeah I'm alright too. Well see ya" and he turns down the street.
What's up with that? I find that happens to me a lot.
Painted Bat Cam

An avid reading will spend up to 2 years of their life just reading
Thats what i do too. And I do listen to his damn music haha. He got me into Operation Ivy, and flogging molly and all that. He's just an assface. aarrrr.....
ink! ink! ink! but visa...boo