Wow Hang_Em_High and I have seen A LOT of movies this month! We were just talking about this the other night. Going to the movies is pretty awesome and the list of movies we have seen this month looks like this:
Fantastic Four
Dukes of Hazzard
Duece Bigalow 2
Skeleton Key
40 Year Old Virgin
Brothers Grimm
And that doesn't count the DVDs that I have bought here. Thanks to the great prices at Wal Mart I have a nice big plie of new DVDs.
The other day we went to the oldest house in Valdosta A.K.A The Roberts House. It's a pretty cool house. Just too bad that we couldn't go inside. They are turning it into a museum. Which I guess is pretty cool. I know Hang_Em_High likes museums and old things. Here are some awesome pictures of it.

~ I got awesome Hello Kitty shoe laces at the book store
~ Our Venus fly trap is dying
~ Hang_Em_High's cat is trouble
~ The next time I update I'll be back in Canada
Fantastic Four
Dukes of Hazzard
Duece Bigalow 2
Skeleton Key
40 Year Old Virgin
Brothers Grimm
And that doesn't count the DVDs that I have bought here. Thanks to the great prices at Wal Mart I have a nice big plie of new DVDs.
The other day we went to the oldest house in Valdosta A.K.A The Roberts House. It's a pretty cool house. Just too bad that we couldn't go inside. They are turning it into a museum. Which I guess is pretty cool. I know Hang_Em_High likes museums and old things. Here are some awesome pictures of it.

~ I got awesome Hello Kitty shoe laces at the book store

~ Our Venus fly trap is dying

~ Hang_Em_High's cat is trouble

~ The next time I update I'll be back in Canada

I have an idea for you and your man. You both have mics??