We are out of liquids. I'm stuck having to drink orange juice with pulp
or I could drink American tap water. Think it will kill me? Hey it could. Then where would you all be?
The light in the kitchen is dead. I have to wash dishes in the dark. Fun fun fun. Arrrrrrrrgh this post is starting to sound depressing. And it shouldn't be. Cause I am having a lot of fun here. I guess we just need to make a trip to the wonderful Wal Mart.

We went and saw Skeleton Key the other night. Very good movie. Twist ending of course. I'm not going to tell you, but you should go and check it out. I might even go and see it again before it comes out on DVD. Very good movie. We're going to go and see The 40 year old Virgin before I go pack home too. We might even go and see it tomorrow night. Looks like it will be pretty funny.
Hang_Em_High is a mean meanie and he knows why.
♥ I still love him though ♥
I've been watching Miami Ink on TLC.
It's on at 10pm tonight (Tuesday)
It's a pretty good show. You should check it out.

Ok maybe he isn't such a mean meanie...well not when he is being so sweet.
I miss my kitty, Tessa. I wonder if she misses me. When I get back hom she will be excited to see me again and she will want to cuddle with me all the time! Awwww I can't wait to see her! She is much better then Hang_Em_High's ninja cat. All she wants to do is fight me all the time. PLUS she gave me and Hang_Em_High fleas bites. She is pretty though...I can give her that.
The weather has been really nice the past few days. Although as I write this it's raining outside. It gets sooooo hot here, it's crazy. When Hang_Em_High and I leave to go out somewhere and get in the car it's like an oven. It feels like my clothes could catch on fire any second. My cold Canadian skin can't take the heat.
Ohhhh Hang_Em_High is a mean meanie cause not only didn't he leave me a comment on my last update....he didn't even read it.

The light in the kitchen is dead. I have to wash dishes in the dark. Fun fun fun. Arrrrrrrrgh this post is starting to sound depressing. And it shouldn't be. Cause I am having a lot of fun here. I guess we just need to make a trip to the wonderful Wal Mart.

We went and saw Skeleton Key the other night. Very good movie. Twist ending of course. I'm not going to tell you, but you should go and check it out. I might even go and see it again before it comes out on DVD. Very good movie. We're going to go and see The 40 year old Virgin before I go pack home too. We might even go and see it tomorrow night. Looks like it will be pretty funny.
Hang_Em_High is a mean meanie and he knows why.
♥ I still love him though ♥
I've been watching Miami Ink on TLC.
It's on at 10pm tonight (Tuesday)
It's a pretty good show. You should check it out.

Ok maybe he isn't such a mean meanie...well not when he is being so sweet.
I miss my kitty, Tessa. I wonder if she misses me. When I get back hom she will be excited to see me again and she will want to cuddle with me all the time! Awwww I can't wait to see her! She is much better then Hang_Em_High's ninja cat. All she wants to do is fight me all the time. PLUS she gave me and Hang_Em_High fleas bites. She is pretty though...I can give her that.

The weather has been really nice the past few days. Although as I write this it's raining outside. It gets sooooo hot here, it's crazy. When Hang_Em_High and I leave to go out somewhere and get in the car it's like an oven. It feels like my clothes could catch on fire any second. My cold Canadian skin can't take the heat.

Ohhhh Hang_Em_High is a mean meanie cause not only didn't he leave me a comment on my last update....he didn't even read it.
Miami Ink is awesome! I missed aabout a motnhs worth of it though.....
Heeey.. Bored : / Entertain me!