I have clean clothes!
I have clean clothes!
I have clean clothes!
And we have food in the house.

My teeth are all better. Which is amazing. For those of you that have never had to deal with wisdom teeth coming in you are very VERY lucky. For a week I could hardly eat anything. The amount of food I ate in 7 days you could hold in your hands. Just the fact that I can put food in my mouth and eat is an amazing feeling.

Sadly my time here is running out. What's today?...the 20??...hmm so I have 11 days left.

Last Tuesday Hang_Em_High had a show with his band Fire on the Mountain. They're pretty fucking awesome. You can check them out Right Here. DOIT. It's not as if you have anything better to do. It will take 10 seconds. It opens a new window and you can here their music and Hang_Em_High's wonderful voice.

Hang_Em_High and I picked up a copy of Super Smash Bros. Melee. Both of us have played it before, but lets just say I can kick Hang_Em_High's ass. I get up in the morning/early afternoon and find him practicing to beat me. I can still kick his ass. Then he will say something like:
"Well I walked into a bomb"
For the record when he is at work or in class I am not practicing or even playing. I'm here most of the time.
Holy long post Batman!!!

My Mom mailed me a birthday card with about $70 in American. It should have been here on Monday, but Hang_Em_High lost his mailbox key, so it has just been sitting in the mailbox for almost a week now. Which sucks cause I am running low on money now. Hang_Em_High said he would go and get another key, but you know boys

Earlier this week President Bush said We will win this, period!
He was later told that in the future, he doesnt need to read the punctuation aloud.

Yeah the DVD is definitely worth the $$.
Glad you liked the stupid thing I made.