I made french toast for breakfast
you know what's good on French Toast??
Peanut Butter
Peanut Butter and Maple Syrup
it's good
you should try it.
My sunburn is healing
I now no longer scream when I put on aloe vera
so that has to be a good sign right?
of course
What is up with the weather getting cold at night?
It feels like October
ohhh wait, wait, wait
I'm in Canada
Cold weather can show up at anytime
but really...

on Monday I'll be back in the States
you know what's good on French Toast??
Peanut Butter
Peanut Butter and Maple Syrup
it's good
you should try it.
My sunburn is healing
I now no longer scream when I put on aloe vera
so that has to be a good sign right?
of course
What is up with the weather getting cold at night?
It feels like October
ohhh wait, wait, wait
I'm in Canada
Cold weather can show up at anytime
but really...

on Monday I'll be back in the States
damn u were in toronto. i was in toronto two weeks ago.
hey hey whatcha been doing girly...not much here just takin my clothes off for money and such.....