Alright so I love him
It's ture
I love him more then he will ever understand
I'm in love with an American
I guess this means Hell is going to freeze over
Or the Toronto Maple Leafs are going to win the Cup
take your pick
and yeah that's right
Leave it up to a Canadian to referance hockey

- Painted Bat
It's ture
I love him more then he will ever understand
I'm in love with an American
I guess this means Hell is going to freeze over
Or the Toronto Maple Leafs are going to win the Cup
take your pick
and yeah that's right
Leave it up to a Canadian to referance hockey

- Painted Bat

actually making that dollhouse was really fun. but really, a month is not a lot of time to do it in. and every little peice has to be glued and painted. if i would've had more time, i wanted to order spiral staircases for it. and i would've mixed the paints myself. and a million other things