My Great Grandmother died a few days ago and it turns out the funeral was today. It was really no big deal. I hadn't even seen her in 3 years. She was 97 years old. The funeral wasn't that big, as most of the family (on that side of the family) is still in England. I had to help my Dad and Grandad carry the casket to the herse, which was kinda cool as I had never done that before. Then we drove out to the cemetary.
On a morbid note, I love funerals. I've had mine planed and in writing since I was 18. I think it's a really important thing to have ready to go. Here is a little look at what I want:
~No Flowers, you can bring dried flowers or balloons
~I MUST be in a coffin, NOT a casket
~I also want to be on my side in the coffin, not on my back.
I know I'm crazy, but what can I say.
- Painted Bat

I can see the food channel sucking.