so i have less then a month till my birthday. I'm excited because this year i'm going to have a party and be able to celebrate my day.
last year everything got fucked up and i didn't get a birthday. For the past few years i had been sharing my birthday party with my friend Jacky since our birthdays are a week apart. Last year we couldn't agree on a place to have a party. I had just moved and thought why not have everyone come over to my place for drinks. Jacky didn't want a house party. So i told her to figure out where she wanted it.
I got a phone call from her telling me that she had been talking with her friend and this other chic is now going to throw her a party. I didn't really know what to say. I guess i was kinda in shock and felt like she had gone behind my back to figure her birthday out.
The next day her invite went out on Facebook and then i saw that since i had another party Friday and she had picked the saturday to have a party, the last weekend before xmas was full and i couldn't throw a party on that weekend. The next day i told Jacky how i felt. And she didn't really seem to care. Claiming that if people were really my friends they would come and party with me on the Sunday night. WHO WOULD COME TO A PARTY ON A SUNDAY NIGHT? all in all she wouldn't change her party or even say sorry.
Now of course the idea of having my party on the same day as hers crossed my mind, but we have a lot of the same friends and didn't think it would be fair to have to make people choose.
Jacky and i know longer talk (there has been a handful of selfish things that she has done to me since last year and i have had to cut her of my life). I have planned a party and i'm excited for December.
In other news went out with some of the SG gang from around here last Saturday. Had a lot of fun. We went to Sneaky Dees and during our time there it began to snow really hard and then the power went out. I think we were there for half an hour in the dark and then left.
Some pictures were taken. I didn't take this one, but i played around with the colours and lightening.


I miss SG gatherings