i got me a ticket to see Die Mannequin i'm pretty excited to see them.
although on the radio they refered to them as sleaze rock.
so fuck yeah...sleaze rock.
i'm also hoping that the stars are all in a line or something so that i can get a sex and the city ticket.
my friend sara and i are just going to show up at the theater in the mid afternoon and if they are not sold out then we will go and see it.
i've been watching the series on DVD every night so i will be all caught up.
oh oh and i almost bough a pair of wicked heels tonight that were 60% off but they didn't have the size i needed.
they had every single other size accept the one i needed.

I am totally not going to shave for the die manikin show. woo woo dee doo.

i actually wanna see Sex and the City, is that weird?