looking for an apartment is fun and a pain in the ass at the same time.
I looked at two places today and neither of them jumped out at my saying 'pick me! pick me!'
So the hunt continues.
Luckily I"m not moving until Nov. which gives me time to get all my options in order.
Weather wise, it has been beautiful these past fews days.
I'm going to have to try and soak up as much sun as i can.

I bought a new jacket from H&M.
Ian_G says it makes me look like I'm from The Ramones.
He bought me a jacket patch of the Ramones to put on the back.
I'm still a little 'ify' about the idea of sewing it on the jacket.

Too bad the weather got all hot again and i can't wear it.
oh well.
I look forward to shopping for tacky second hand furniture for my new place to be.
and yes Ian_G's place too.
you do look like you should be in The Ramones!
Fall is the best season. I like the air; not just the breeze on my face, but the way it feels in my lungs. Cooling. Like breathing moonlight. We just had a hot snap here, as well. I hope it's the last one. It'd be a shame to be hot on Halloween, or to not wear a cool new jacket.