10 days of vaycay you bitches.
and now sadly it has come to and end and tomorrow i stick the name tag back on and help people make the right choice in reading material.
hoe hum.
and what...you might ask...did i get up to with sooooooo much free time on my hands.
well...pretty much nothing and i hardly thought you.

slept in.
watched tv on dvd.
ate take away and kraft dinner with hot dogs.
Monday i was taken on a secret trip. it was sooo secret i had to wear a blindfold in the car for almost an hour. i wonder what people in other cars thought when they saw me.
turns out the love of my life was taking me to Marineland to look at water animals and animals that enjoy water. and then we went to niagara falls and we watched water fall off a cliff. ate dinner at a resturant with sloooow service and then drove home in the dead of night. wonderful day.
friday was the marilyn manson concert which kicked royal rock and royal ass.
rocked out to the hits and beats until i could hardly walk and was then dragged through the crowd to the funhaus on queen st. for hybrid friday.
anyhoo if you are still reading this way too go.
you almost care more about my adventures then i do.
but it's ok i love you for it and you can leave your love below in the form of a comment.

and yeah more photos can be found a la my flickr account.
i've been reading Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
and loving every second of it.
ok chipmunks i'm done.

am I still supposed to yell at you to get naked every now and then?