There is a time in our lives when the days blurr together and you find yourself asking what day of the week it is. And then once you figure it out you still have little or no idea what that means. Monday is Wednesday and Friday has been taken right off the calendar.
Life is taken over by a bunch of random sounds and flavours and your voice mail box is strangely empty.
my life has not reached this point. yet. but the nights are longer then i remember and mornings tend to show up just when i'm drifting off.
one of my best friends is going through a very bad breakup and i'm filling in for her backbone. sending MySpace messages and text messages late into the night. Trying to figure out (for her) why things fell apart. Of course the answer is as plain as white bread...THEY DIDN'T FIT TOGETHER.
she of course can not see this. they way she sees it is 'he no longer wants to be with me!' which i'm sure is part of. and don't forget the guy was a complete jerk to her at times. all she did was complain about him and then never listen to my advice and talk to him about what was bothering her.
why do i find myself in situations i would rather not be in? having to deal with girls is becoming a hobby i'd very much like to give up. having to explain everything to them and try to speak slowly so they understand. now don't get me worng not all girls are crazy, it just seems the ones i have deal to with or the ones that happen to show up in my life tend to send my life into a crash course of bitching.
please make the myspace messages stop and the crying voice mail hush and erase its self, while i go back to bed and hope that when i wake up Friday is back on track.
im a low maintenance chick friend..if you're in need of one & yes, my bestfriend in NZ just broke up with her "honey" of 2 years - no warning, just wham...very upsetting. hard to ever hang up because it's so hard for them...but eventually you just have to give them a good swift kick in the ass. They'll be alright. We always are.