Hi remember me?
ok don't blame you if you don't.
I have been busy and then my account died on me and even though I spend a good 4 hours a day online I just couldn't get around ro renew it. Crazy I know.
But I'm back.
So stop crying and feeling depressed.
The Painted Bat is once more here to fill your boring lives with journals and pictures and exciting Canadian stuff.
Like the fact that I'm eating moose right now.
Moose that my roommate killed last winter.
It's pretty awesome stuff.
You would think during the almost month I was gone I would have something worth writting about but I don't.
I've been filling my days with work and the weekends with Ian_G (who I am head over heels for).
This past weekend we thought it would be fun to get lost up north and spend Friday and Saturday night sleeping in hotels under clean white sheets. It was awesome! Other then the fact that when we awoke on Saturday there was a light covering of snow on the ground. The weather was crazy and cold. Windy that could blow you away and rain that sticks to your hands.
But really all I needed was him and my camera.
A handful of pictures were taken and you can find them on my flickr account

ok and now I'm off to go look at all the stuff I've been missing.
You must, by extension, rule too.