Today I stumbled onto some old photos of my old boyfriends from the past and that got me thinking. Sure pretty boys are great and nice to show off BUT....the ones that always stole my heart were the nerds. Which kind of makes sense because I married a nerd (and he's so adorable). I'm beginning to think there are more merrit to nerdy boys than people give them credit for. When I was younger it was obvious to have crushes on hot guys like Mike Ness BUT I was always a sucker for guys like the lead singer of the Desendents. Any way enough of that tangent! It's just nice to have some clear thoughts outside of the NyQuil haze of my head cold.
Now that I'm a bit more lucid and with the world I realized that I got myself the hair cut from hell. Which kind of has me some what freaked out as I don't know when I'm going to be able to fix it. Rather than giving me the faux hawk I wanted, the hair dresser cut the sides of my hair all one length and just left the top the same length....GAH!!!!! EEEEEEWWW!!!! And other such sounds of despair and frusteration! Well now it looks like I gotta find a way to get myself a chelsea and do it FAST! Atleast that way I can still dye my hair by St. Patricks day like I wanted. Once again...GAH!!!
I got so much to do between now and the 20th I'm not sure why I'm dicking around right now. The husband is freaking out about finances but I told him how tax refunds work so his panties aren't in such a wad right now....YAY! Now if I can only get him to calm down about my buying supplies for my work so I can bloody open up my store already. He wants me to get it started YET he doesn't want me to buy the things I need to do the work. Does anyone else find this completely nonsensical and lame?
Besides I think he shouldn't be freaking out about the store when we don't even have our travel stuff down for Vegas. I'm supposed to be out of here by the twenty first and we don't even have plane tickets or the stuff for VLV down yet. I hope everything goes smooth for the trip. I don't want to be stuck there not able to do much more than walk the strip and toss nickels into slots. It was cool once but not again.
Any way kiddies it's time for me to stop procrastinating so I'm off! Talk to you cats and kittens later!
Now that I'm a bit more lucid and with the world I realized that I got myself the hair cut from hell. Which kind of has me some what freaked out as I don't know when I'm going to be able to fix it. Rather than giving me the faux hawk I wanted, the hair dresser cut the sides of my hair all one length and just left the top the same length....GAH!!!!! EEEEEEWWW!!!! And other such sounds of despair and frusteration! Well now it looks like I gotta find a way to get myself a chelsea and do it FAST! Atleast that way I can still dye my hair by St. Patricks day like I wanted. Once again...GAH!!!
I got so much to do between now and the 20th I'm not sure why I'm dicking around right now. The husband is freaking out about finances but I told him how tax refunds work so his panties aren't in such a wad right now....YAY! Now if I can only get him to calm down about my buying supplies for my work so I can bloody open up my store already. He wants me to get it started YET he doesn't want me to buy the things I need to do the work. Does anyone else find this completely nonsensical and lame?
Besides I think he shouldn't be freaking out about the store when we don't even have our travel stuff down for Vegas. I'm supposed to be out of here by the twenty first and we don't even have plane tickets or the stuff for VLV down yet. I hope everything goes smooth for the trip. I don't want to be stuck there not able to do much more than walk the strip and toss nickels into slots. It was cool once but not again.
Any way kiddies it's time for me to stop procrastinating so I'm off! Talk to you cats and kittens later!

later tater i should have a story soon tell me which idea you like