Oh flippin A!!!! Well kiddies my day looks to be a most eventful one. My friend is on his way home from the big sandbox in the east and I'm supposed to go and pick him up today. Well if you want to get technical he was supposed to back here yesterday. BUT as it turns out the little heads up e-mail the big commanding duder of the khaki nation sent me wasn't exactly....informative. So I have barely any idea where I need to be today! Can we say a head ache of an adventure is instore for me?!?! And on less than four hours of sleep none the less!!!! So needless to say the coffee has been brewed and I'm pondering a way to turn it into an IV.
After all this non-sense I get to come home and get said friend drunk and get back onto some tattoo planning for my friends. A friend of mine came over to my house last night and went on about a tattoo he wanted me to help on. I really do get tired of people deciding on a tattoo design on a whim and just getting it with out planning for the long run. I know I wish I did. I have more cover up work to do than I have tattoo's to get!
Either way I hope you kiddies have just as much fun as I do today!
After all this non-sense I get to come home and get said friend drunk and get back onto some tattoo planning for my friends. A friend of mine came over to my house last night and went on about a tattoo he wanted me to help on. I really do get tired of people deciding on a tattoo design on a whim and just getting it with out planning for the long run. I know I wish I did. I have more cover up work to do than I have tattoo's to get!
Either way I hope you kiddies have just as much fun as I do today!