So it's the ass crack of dawn and I have yet to go to bed yet. I hate when Jeff is away....always get the worst case of insomnia! I haven't had a peaceful sleep within the last month!
Any who busy busy painted lady! Been working full time on my latest creations. Funny thing is the one I'm most proud of is a whip I made tonight. It's the first time I ever tried to make a whip and it's made out of that plastic stringy crap girls were always braiding and playing with back in the day. It's very prettiful I tell you!!!!! I also was reminded of my fondness for electrical tape....that stuff is cooler than sliced bread!
I'm also having fun making t-shirts. Who'd have thought my digging painting and growing tired of the "witty" shirts hot topic has to provide would inspire me so. I just made the husband a baseball shirt with the word nerd on it! It's neato! GLORY IN ITS NEATNESS PEOPLE!!!!
In the midst of all this creativity I watched two movies about Trekkies.....they are scary sad creepy people. I'm glad I'm not entirely fanatical about much of anything. When people develope a fetish movement based on a fictional TV show....that's where little old eccentric me has to draw the line.
Any who kiddies must get back to work....catch you cats and kittens later!
Any who busy busy painted lady! Been working full time on my latest creations. Funny thing is the one I'm most proud of is a whip I made tonight. It's the first time I ever tried to make a whip and it's made out of that plastic stringy crap girls were always braiding and playing with back in the day. It's very prettiful I tell you!!!!! I also was reminded of my fondness for electrical tape....that stuff is cooler than sliced bread!
I'm also having fun making t-shirts. Who'd have thought my digging painting and growing tired of the "witty" shirts hot topic has to provide would inspire me so. I just made the husband a baseball shirt with the word nerd on it! It's neato! GLORY IN ITS NEATNESS PEOPLE!!!!
In the midst of all this creativity I watched two movies about Trekkies.....they are scary sad creepy people. I'm glad I'm not entirely fanatical about much of anything. When people develope a fetish movement based on a fictional TV show....that's where little old eccentric me has to draw the line.
Any who kiddies must get back to work....catch you cats and kittens later!
That's For You...and You Know what I mean, Doll!
How The Fuck Are You??
Heres Hoping Alls Well in Hell!!