SO let's day consisted of me getting up playing phone tag with the housing people to get my dryer fixed. Then I got the call from Tommy to let me know he was finally awake and we went down to the humane society. I had a blast!!! I think I'm gonna make the husband go with me when he gets back from sea. I think it could be fun stuff and stuff. He called me later in the day drunk as he went bowling with his ship mates for his birthday. That doesn't sound quite right for some reason lol.
Then I schooled my guy friend on how to grow some balls and tell my sister in law off for cheating on him...she can be so stupid some times! Hopefully he put her in her place.
So any way not much more to talk about so I thought I'd list a couple of unknown facts about myself.
1.) I am ungodly I force myself to talk to people so I don't become a hermit.
2.) I used to work at the Dungeon when I was in high school as a dom. (That's a goth/industrial/ fettish club to everyone in the dark)
3.) I look like a white chic but I actually have a healthy chunk of Puerto Rican to throw in my ethnic back ground.
4.) I live in Hawaii and I don't like swimming at the Beach. Why? Because my dad made me watch JAWS when I was two and then we went to the beach the next day.
That's all I can think of for right now. I'll catch you folks later!
Then I schooled my guy friend on how to grow some balls and tell my sister in law off for cheating on him...she can be so stupid some times! Hopefully he put her in her place.
So any way not much more to talk about so I thought I'd list a couple of unknown facts about myself.
1.) I am ungodly I force myself to talk to people so I don't become a hermit.
2.) I used to work at the Dungeon when I was in high school as a dom. (That's a goth/industrial/ fettish club to everyone in the dark)
3.) I look like a white chic but I actually have a healthy chunk of Puerto Rican to throw in my ethnic back ground.
4.) I live in Hawaii and I don't like swimming at the Beach. Why? Because my dad made me watch JAWS when I was two and then we went to the beach the next day.
That's all I can think of for right now. I'll catch you folks later!
Well...Let Me First Begin By Telling You, That I am Absolutely AMAZED That it was You; A Strong, Intelligent, Helluva FEMALE, To Get The Horror Video game Space Started...I, unfortunately as I said, Just Don't Do Video Games anymore...Prolly Same Reason I quit piercing, My Hands just got too bad over the last decade or so...So I Can Shoot Gun Games Like 'House of Dead' with A Gun to use, Instead of Those friggin Hand Controllers that you basically have to have killer Thumb action on...Nope...I am Only Able to Stick with The Pinball, and Gun-Games...(I shall NEVER give One of My Oldest Happiness Harbringers Like How To Handle My Guns Up...) Anyhow...I am amazed.
I'll Tell Ya, I am Glad To Hear That The Married Life Is Just Awesome for You...Absence makes Us Appreciate what we have when they are Gone...(BASTARDS!)
I am also really impressed to here I was not the Only One who was going to S&M/Fetish Parties/Dungeons when I was also in H.S. (Dropped Out...But I cleaned Up a Little after losing A Year To Goth Queen at Sixteen Syndrome, and The Drugs Didn't Help Either...But, I Went Back and Got The Shitty Piece of Paper that says I was totrtured in The School System, and Passed.) It Was A Great Gig When You Can Go To The Dungeon (Name of an old One in NYC) and end up whipping A 65 Year Old Infantalist, and He wants to Be Spanked and Punished By A Teenage Gal! (Ya Gotta LOVE That!! Right Fuckin' On, PL!)
Okay...I am gonna Cut this short, as I don't Like it when I feel I make folks Mad when I leave too much to read...
See You In The Chatterbox (Which Would Be Nice!! I have Looked everyday at about this early of time here, and STILL no Lovely Painted Lady, and NO EL_SQUISHEY!
Until Then...Stay GORE-geous!
I Hope You are Doing Well...Once again, I cannot Thank You enough for Posting The Video Game Topic...I am fucking Useless there!!
Once again, and As Always...