So not too much to report here kiddies. I finally started getting my stuff done last night, I now have a reason to beat the ever loving crap out of my sister in law, and I got a bunch of projects started.
Looks like we started planning our trip to Vegas in March. Ever since we went last year I've been extatic about going back this year. I absolutely loved VLV!!!
So any who tomorrow me and my friends are gonna go check out the humane society and then the sky is the limit. I need a little adventure right now. Hopefully we'll come back and I can get some work done.
Looks like we started planning our trip to Vegas in March. Ever since we went last year I've been extatic about going back this year. I absolutely loved VLV!!!
So any who tomorrow me and my friends are gonna go check out the humane society and then the sky is the limit. I need a little adventure right now. Hopefully we'll come back and I can get some work done.
make sure you get there when the place opens every time I got there before it opens there always a mob standing out side... it is crazy... all the baby animals sell out quit.... new ink it is.... so when the hell we going to hang out?