So I have done absolutely nothing today. Glorious, fabulous, outstanding NOTHING. To be honest with you kiddies it's a foreign feeling for me with all the crap that has gone on in the past few months.
I think the most productive thing that I did today was wrap Christmas gifts. I'm not even half done with taking care of all of those yet! It's a pain in the ass trying to figure out what to get people who impulse buy. I never can keep up with all the shite they buy.
Maybe I'll finally have time to sit down and draw out some of my ideas after the holidays are over. My birthday is coming up and every year since I turned eighteen I've gotten a new body modification of some sort. I know I probably won't be able to start on my big work yet so I have to work on some of my smaller pieces. My latest idea is to get the volvo logo tattoo'ed on me with some old school flowers in honor of my poor first car that died recently. I miss the war machine!
To my great joy I found out that not only is NOFX coming out here in February, Me First and the Gimme Gimme's is also coming out here in March! I must have done something right!
The other day my friend Powder came over to chill with us for a bit. She made me bust out all of my old pictures from back when we were in high school. It was like getting dragged down memory lane by the nipples! Jeff (the husband) finally saw a picture of me when I had long hair. I was told that it looks cuter short. Atleast now he won't be on my case to grow it out any more. I miss those days...
My Friend Mikey Ray also messaged me the other day and let me know how things were going for him in Iraq. I was kind of sad when I found out that they extended him until March! Stupid bastard military! He told me that since I was going to be alone on my birthday he was going to send me a robot on the condition that I name him Axle. I want to put together one of those care package things I've been hearing about. I don't know what to put in it though. He didn't like it when I proposed to send him a blow up sheep, lube, a condom, and a single cigarette! I mean for fucks sake I know he has to be lonely! You guys have any ideas?
Any who I'm off like a pair of panties on prom night! Hope you cats and kittens had a swell weekend!
I think the most productive thing that I did today was wrap Christmas gifts. I'm not even half done with taking care of all of those yet! It's a pain in the ass trying to figure out what to get people who impulse buy. I never can keep up with all the shite they buy.
Maybe I'll finally have time to sit down and draw out some of my ideas after the holidays are over. My birthday is coming up and every year since I turned eighteen I've gotten a new body modification of some sort. I know I probably won't be able to start on my big work yet so I have to work on some of my smaller pieces. My latest idea is to get the volvo logo tattoo'ed on me with some old school flowers in honor of my poor first car that died recently. I miss the war machine!
To my great joy I found out that not only is NOFX coming out here in February, Me First and the Gimme Gimme's is also coming out here in March! I must have done something right!
The other day my friend Powder came over to chill with us for a bit. She made me bust out all of my old pictures from back when we were in high school. It was like getting dragged down memory lane by the nipples! Jeff (the husband) finally saw a picture of me when I had long hair. I was told that it looks cuter short. Atleast now he won't be on my case to grow it out any more. I miss those days...
My Friend Mikey Ray also messaged me the other day and let me know how things were going for him in Iraq. I was kind of sad when I found out that they extended him until March! Stupid bastard military! He told me that since I was going to be alone on my birthday he was going to send me a robot on the condition that I name him Axle. I want to put together one of those care package things I've been hearing about. I don't know what to put in it though. He didn't like it when I proposed to send him a blow up sheep, lube, a condom, and a single cigarette! I mean for fucks sake I know he has to be lonely! You guys have any ideas?
Any who I'm off like a pair of panties on prom night! Hope you cats and kittens had a swell weekend!

Nah...Don't worry...I will NEVER take your Identity in here and do that to it...How the Hell are you??
Hows Married life...except for the grueling sound of it from your journal entry...
I Caught a worse flu than I that..
and YOU'LL Know about this one...The Asiatic Flu?
Yeah...Lucky me huh?
Sorry Hon..Had to be screamed...Some people take life a tad too seriously..
And You know what? I am ONLY HALF The way Through The List!!
You know what?? I feel awful...I am gonna put up a notice...and Y'all will understand puttin it off another day...Cause i am JUST starting to recover...and I have been at this for like 3 hours or more!!!
I ache..
and This is The lAST thing I wanna say in here..
I apologize hon...I just feel really comfortable with you..I KNOW yo are down to earth...One of the MANY qualities I like about you...
I will post the question TOMORROW night...^ am pacvific time
Cause I really do feel like crap *slaps face* STOP IT!!
I shall return Doll...
and I wanna see wedding Pics...Whats with that? Did I miss those too?
I am SO sorry I absolutely collapsed up there...I just had to come back and apologize...I was about to pass out...But I have slept and taken my I am feeling better...I just HAD to come back and apologize...Cause I feel just awful!!
The First Question goes up tonight 6 Pacific time...I would REALLY love to give you a Dead Lizard!!