NOFX IS COMING TO HAWAII!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I found this out the day my car died and I still started dancing around when I read the news on the site for pipeline. It's about damn time a decent show came through Hawaii! I was begining to feel neglected here!
So let's see what else can I update on....
Yesterday me and the husband went on a two hour adventure onto Hickam Air Force base because the PSD was closed and the little sign said go there if I needed to get a replacement ID. Four people sent us to the wrong fucking building!!!! Then this little prick working at the ID office treated us like idiots for showing up there. So what does that mean? I still have no ID because when we finally went back to find the Navy office the guy got pissy with Jeff because he wasn't in uniform. I mean for fucks sake! So that was about three hours down the shitter with no results yesterday. Jeff said "That was the icing on my anger cake!"
We are now waiting to see if we got the car loan we applied for yesterday. I'm keeping my fingers crossed because being imobile is starting to give me the paranoid eye twitch. That and Jeffy poo has a tendancy of sleeping in on work days so he would be totally screwed if I wasn't around to give him rides in the morning.
Even with this wedding stuff out of the way we still have a ton of crap to do before everything is set up. I still need to update my ID's (no I didn't take his last name), Get the car and all the stuff that it entails taken care of, my medical bennies, and Christmas shopping taken care of. I mean for fucks sake when will the madness end?
My friend Tommy came over last night with a couple of his paint balling DVD's to show me so I could help with some design ideas for the company he wants to get off the ground. The only reason I agreed to help him with this is so that I can get him to start working on the ideas for the company I want to get started soon.
Let me tell you having him around this week has been interesting. He hooks up with my sister in law when she shows up for the wedding. My father in law first pulls a knife on him when they are getting too kissy face and now they are calling him her fiance! If I were in his shoes this would be a little scary to me. Come on now....knowing some one for only five days and they are already talking marriage! Oh and he started talking about giving up his producer job (he's one of the youngest TV producers in the nation) just to move to the mainland to be with her! GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Out of all the friends I have he's the only one with a college degree and is not a total fuck up! He's my shinning hope and I told him if he throws it all away on some chic I'd kick his ass. Sorry kiddies I needed to's been giving me an eye twitch for the last week! I'm scared for the poor boy because my husband said his sister is flighty and is a big tease....oh and she only just turned 19 and is already talking about marriage to a guy she knew five days!
Any who kiddies I gotta go see if the laon gods smiled down on us!
So let's see what else can I update on....
Yesterday me and the husband went on a two hour adventure onto Hickam Air Force base because the PSD was closed and the little sign said go there if I needed to get a replacement ID. Four people sent us to the wrong fucking building!!!! Then this little prick working at the ID office treated us like idiots for showing up there. So what does that mean? I still have no ID because when we finally went back to find the Navy office the guy got pissy with Jeff because he wasn't in uniform. I mean for fucks sake! So that was about three hours down the shitter with no results yesterday. Jeff said "That was the icing on my anger cake!"
We are now waiting to see if we got the car loan we applied for yesterday. I'm keeping my fingers crossed because being imobile is starting to give me the paranoid eye twitch. That and Jeffy poo has a tendancy of sleeping in on work days so he would be totally screwed if I wasn't around to give him rides in the morning.
Even with this wedding stuff out of the way we still have a ton of crap to do before everything is set up. I still need to update my ID's (no I didn't take his last name), Get the car and all the stuff that it entails taken care of, my medical bennies, and Christmas shopping taken care of. I mean for fucks sake when will the madness end?
My friend Tommy came over last night with a couple of his paint balling DVD's to show me so I could help with some design ideas for the company he wants to get off the ground. The only reason I agreed to help him with this is so that I can get him to start working on the ideas for the company I want to get started soon.
Let me tell you having him around this week has been interesting. He hooks up with my sister in law when she shows up for the wedding. My father in law first pulls a knife on him when they are getting too kissy face and now they are calling him her fiance! If I were in his shoes this would be a little scary to me. Come on now....knowing some one for only five days and they are already talking marriage! Oh and he started talking about giving up his producer job (he's one of the youngest TV producers in the nation) just to move to the mainland to be with her! GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Out of all the friends I have he's the only one with a college degree and is not a total fuck up! He's my shinning hope and I told him if he throws it all away on some chic I'd kick his ass. Sorry kiddies I needed to's been giving me an eye twitch for the last week! I'm scared for the poor boy because my husband said his sister is flighty and is a big tease....oh and she only just turned 19 and is already talking about marriage to a guy she knew five days!
Any who kiddies I gotta go see if the laon gods smiled down on us!
Thats awesome!!!! When are they coming to Hawaii????

eye twitch - i'm doing that currently - my head is full of medicine... cursed allergies... will write more later... sent another reminder for tatty pics