SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (I start a lot of my entries off this way don't I?) It's nearly three in the morning and I just finished with the major part of my house cleaning. The sad fact about all of this is the fact that I live right next to a construction site and things have already started getting dirty again.....CRAP!!!!!!
I just got yelled at and had a huge guilt trip thrown on me tonight about not inviting particular relatives to my wedding. Go figure! I mean for fucks sake heaven forbid I should attempt to keep people from arguing and I mean how dare I take charge of my own guest list. Can any one tell that I'm cranky?
I talked to my girlfriend today and she told me that she wished she was back in Hawaii and that all of her friends told her to come back to me. Now if that isn't the biggest I told you so I don't know what is...HA HA! I don't think I can muster up a warm and cuddly feelings at the moment.
As it is my day is completely booked for tomorrow....err....later today....I don't think I want to see my family for like a week after this....actually I think I want to become completely hedonistic for an entire week after this and just hide from the rest of the world and sleep in.
I'm sure my new tattoo will make everything right. I always told my friend Melody that if I want to make myself over give me a dye job and a new tattoo and I feel like a completely new woman. Now I just need to pick what I'm getting....TOO MANY IDEAS TO CHOSE FROM! AHHHHH!!!!
Enough with my rambling I'm sending myself to bed before thinking becomes physically painful.
Catch you later cats and kittens, hope you all had a swell weekend!
I just got yelled at and had a huge guilt trip thrown on me tonight about not inviting particular relatives to my wedding. Go figure! I mean for fucks sake heaven forbid I should attempt to keep people from arguing and I mean how dare I take charge of my own guest list. Can any one tell that I'm cranky?
I talked to my girlfriend today and she told me that she wished she was back in Hawaii and that all of her friends told her to come back to me. Now if that isn't the biggest I told you so I don't know what is...HA HA! I don't think I can muster up a warm and cuddly feelings at the moment.
As it is my day is completely booked for tomorrow....err....later today....I don't think I want to see my family for like a week after this....actually I think I want to become completely hedonistic for an entire week after this and just hide from the rest of the world and sleep in.
I'm sure my new tattoo will make everything right. I always told my friend Melody that if I want to make myself over give me a dye job and a new tattoo and I feel like a completely new woman. Now I just need to pick what I'm getting....TOO MANY IDEAS TO CHOSE FROM! AHHHHH!!!!
Enough with my rambling I'm sending myself to bed before thinking becomes physically painful.
Catch you later cats and kittens, hope you all had a swell weekend!
I wish I would've found this earlier... you coulda played it for your sad hubby.
I hope things ease up for you soon girlie.