SOOOOOOOOOOOOO where should I start? I've been so busy with last minute crap for the wedding and all the company flying in that I've hardly had an opportunity for myself! I can't wait for all this to be over! I dig the idea that this time next weekend I'll be throwing back beers with all my friends and not have to worry about all this crap any more.
I still have tons of cleaning to do and absolutely no motivation to do it. I know I want to have a pretty and clean house to show the inlaws but GAH!!!! I'm so sick of cleaning!
On to another tangent! Sting is the biggest suckiest singer ever to take up space on this planet! I've been hearing a few of his songs when ever I'm brave enough to give radio here a chance.....GAH! It reminds me how much I dislike his music each time I hear it. You would think that since most musicians evolve over time so would he! NO! He still has the same crappy sound that he had in the 80's (save for an extremely small ammount of Police songs). I just had to get this off my chest as I am constantly being reminded of his suck factor when ever I listen to the radio!
Tangent number two! I HAVE MY VERY FIRST CHRISTMAS TREE!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! I forgot just how much I miss sitting in my living room and chilling with no more than the dim glow of christmas tree lights. NEATO!!!!!! Even more amusing I'm so lazy about plugging and un-plugging those suckers I bought a foot switch to click them on and off. Funny story about my tree....well funny to me atleast! When we bought my tree we bought one for my parents because they were super cheap and my parents have been doing a lot of nice stuff for us. Jeff is pulling onto the highway when I notice he's starting to run over a cat. After we here the thuds of the cats corpse beneath the wheels my husband looks like he just killed his mom....I swear to you it looked like he was going to bust out into tears. So I told him to forget it and just enjoy the smell of the christmas trees. Then something dawns on me and I start laughing uncontrolably. He asks me what it was and reply "Now the sent of pine during the christmas season will remind you of DEATH AND THE CAT YOU JUST KILLED!"
Apparently he didn't find it as funny as me....
I still have tons of cleaning to do and absolutely no motivation to do it. I know I want to have a pretty and clean house to show the inlaws but GAH!!!! I'm so sick of cleaning!
On to another tangent! Sting is the biggest suckiest singer ever to take up space on this planet! I've been hearing a few of his songs when ever I'm brave enough to give radio here a chance.....GAH! It reminds me how much I dislike his music each time I hear it. You would think that since most musicians evolve over time so would he! NO! He still has the same crappy sound that he had in the 80's (save for an extremely small ammount of Police songs). I just had to get this off my chest as I am constantly being reminded of his suck factor when ever I listen to the radio!
Tangent number two! I HAVE MY VERY FIRST CHRISTMAS TREE!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! I forgot just how much I miss sitting in my living room and chilling with no more than the dim glow of christmas tree lights. NEATO!!!!!! Even more amusing I'm so lazy about plugging and un-plugging those suckers I bought a foot switch to click them on and off. Funny story about my tree....well funny to me atleast! When we bought my tree we bought one for my parents because they were super cheap and my parents have been doing a lot of nice stuff for us. Jeff is pulling onto the highway when I notice he's starting to run over a cat. After we here the thuds of the cats corpse beneath the wheels my husband looks like he just killed his mom....I swear to you it looked like he was going to bust out into tears. So I told him to forget it and just enjoy the smell of the christmas trees. Then something dawns on me and I start laughing uncontrolably. He asks me what it was and reply "Now the sent of pine during the christmas season will remind you of DEATH AND THE CAT YOU JUST KILLED!"
Apparently he didn't find it as funny as me....
Hi, hope all goes well for you. I had a nice time in VA but I wasn't able to go to any shows. Oh well, maybe next time.

nice.... thats fucked up....
I have so much dumb shit to do today but i think i will just say fuck it and be lazy