So Thanks Giving is tomorrow and the wedding is like two weeks away. My mom is frantically trying to tie up the details for both. I think she gets high off of stress! Last night I went up to her place to do more wedding stuff....She brought out the hat she wanted me to wear and I began to cringe with visions of her stabbing me in the head again with the hat pin started playing through my mind. I think more than anything this wedding is going to be interesting to say the least!
Apparently me and the husband are going back up there to stay the night so I can get up bright and early with her to cook and he can help her move all the big furniture. Man I already miss the days of having to do blissful nothingness on thanks giving. However I did cover my bases for the long term and told her that I will stick my hand up a turkeys ass after she's dead.
Yesterday I let my room mate have what for since he hasn't been helping around the house at all. Told him you don't clean you pay me to clean for you! As it is the husband want to change the rent he gives us as it's costing us money for him to live here.
Between all that crap I've been researching for my tattoos. I'm trying to create a plan for my body. Getting a little here and a little there just doesn't cut it for me any more. I was looking through some sites and my vast collection of tattoo books and made me sad. I noticed that a lot of people are getting the same stuff on them! I don't mean to seem like an elitist on the subject....oh fuck it I know I am...but for fucks sake I wish some people would put some heart into what they get permenently put onto their bodies!
I've been hanging around local tattoo shops since I was about eighteen....and people here get stuff that hurts my brain. I swear....if it's not japanes, chinese, tribal, hawaiian, or a piece of flash off any random wall...then it's not cool to get. I think from now on I'm either drawing up my pieces or I'm getting one of my artist friends to help me out.
I think the biggest problem for me in my planning is that I want to get four...wait no five of my old tattoos covered up and I'm searching high and low for ideas that would actually work. I tell you trying to cover thick black lines is a bit of a pain.
I know all of this is wishful thinking. I mean we have the wedding, christmas, and a bunch of family birthdays coming being broke as a joke is something to be expected for the next two months. Oh well what do we have if we don't have hope....right?
At any rate! I need to go and start working on the dress I promised my sister in law! I'll catch you cats and kittens later!
Apparently me and the husband are going back up there to stay the night so I can get up bright and early with her to cook and he can help her move all the big furniture. Man I already miss the days of having to do blissful nothingness on thanks giving. However I did cover my bases for the long term and told her that I will stick my hand up a turkeys ass after she's dead.
Yesterday I let my room mate have what for since he hasn't been helping around the house at all. Told him you don't clean you pay me to clean for you! As it is the husband want to change the rent he gives us as it's costing us money for him to live here.
Between all that crap I've been researching for my tattoos. I'm trying to create a plan for my body. Getting a little here and a little there just doesn't cut it for me any more. I was looking through some sites and my vast collection of tattoo books and made me sad. I noticed that a lot of people are getting the same stuff on them! I don't mean to seem like an elitist on the subject....oh fuck it I know I am...but for fucks sake I wish some people would put some heart into what they get permenently put onto their bodies!
I've been hanging around local tattoo shops since I was about eighteen....and people here get stuff that hurts my brain. I swear....if it's not japanes, chinese, tribal, hawaiian, or a piece of flash off any random wall...then it's not cool to get. I think from now on I'm either drawing up my pieces or I'm getting one of my artist friends to help me out.
I think the biggest problem for me in my planning is that I want to get four...wait no five of my old tattoos covered up and I'm searching high and low for ideas that would actually work. I tell you trying to cover thick black lines is a bit of a pain.
I know all of this is wishful thinking. I mean we have the wedding, christmas, and a bunch of family birthdays coming being broke as a joke is something to be expected for the next two months. Oh well what do we have if we don't have hope....right?
At any rate! I need to go and start working on the dress I promised my sister in law! I'll catch you cats and kittens later!
bye bye
-Mcpudding Pants
Like I said it won't be here in time the wedding is too soon. *sighs* Besides I don't belong there. I'd end up sitting by myself and like people will stare. And say," What's his deal? oh he's that guy." "yeah that guy."
[Edited on Nov 25, 2004 10:21PM]