Well today has to have been one of the most interesting days so far this week. My dog was in the house when I woke up today. Apparently due to the fact that the houseing people were spraying for termites. It started to get interesting when my dog started to pee on my floor then WHILE he's taking a wiz he starts drinking his urine while hes still going!!!!! GAH!! EVIL DOG!!!!!!!!!
Then after we pick up my friend across town we are stuck in bumper to bumper traffic. What made this part of my adventure more interesting was the fact that I was half asleep when my friend screams "THERE'S A CENTIPEDE IN THE CAR!!!!!!"
Needless to say I was wide awake at that point and we had to pull off and search the car for the little bastard. It was ever so nice of the people driving by to start rubber necking!
Now kiddies...what made this suck balls even more so was the fact that I had absolutely no cigaretts!!! YAY!!!! Nothing like havok and stress teamed with absolutely no niccotine!
I hope you guys had interesting adventures today as well!!!!!
Then after we pick up my friend across town we are stuck in bumper to bumper traffic. What made this part of my adventure more interesting was the fact that I was half asleep when my friend screams "THERE'S A CENTIPEDE IN THE CAR!!!!!!"
Needless to say I was wide awake at that point and we had to pull off and search the car for the little bastard. It was ever so nice of the people driving by to start rubber necking!
Now kiddies...what made this suck balls even more so was the fact that I had absolutely no cigaretts!!! YAY!!!! Nothing like havok and stress teamed with absolutely no niccotine!
I hope you guys had interesting adventures today as well!!!!!
Centipede huh? Those are neat...I like the way they move..I have a coupla things for ya Lady...Well...Since you like Horror, as we know...I give you this..
And now...I invite you, if you wish...cause I would love to have ya...to come and check out my little niche of Old Skool Horror Group...Squish knows where its at...Its called The Abominable Apothecary...I just started it last month...but we are growin..Today tho...is a REALLY special day tho...I FINALLY got my premiere set of "Sinister Sexy Sinematic Scenes" I did a tribute to Argento's OPERA...I hope you will drop by and give it a peek...and hoping you decide to join our Happy Lil Horror Club...I would LOVE to have ya...Anyhow...I honestly just wanted to drop by and say hello and put a nice pic up for your place here...Its a Housewarming present in image form...(Don't worry...I do this every week...always gotta have some gore up...right?) OOogaBOOoga
That's just too funny
Thanks for the encouragement. I just needed to slap myself around a little bit to get motivated again and getting my residency kinda helped out with that too but of course, I greatly appreciate your words...
That's rad you found a friend to go in on your store - 2 heads.... etc.
Ahhhh, i must get back to working on some shite... : van hugs P_L :