HA HA HA HA THEY FINALY PAID US!!!!! So this means I have one day to get my ass in gear and finish up my Halloween stuff. I hate having to rush but blame that on the Navy. So far all the people that I'm helping with costumes seem to have some pretty slick stuff going on. I think since they are all pretty much taken care of I can focus on my costume stuff and I also get to have a new corset....YAY!
Now with all this stuff to do I can't see me taking the time to go down to the husbands boat and helping with make up for their haunted house this evening. Well there's that and I am still pissed at them for shit canning all my ideas because their commanding officer decided on the no gore rule. I mean how many little kids these days are going to believe that trolls and gorillas invaded a fucking military ship? What can I say? I think I'm a little pissed that they asked me to work on this then shit can a whole days worth of work and research.
Right now I'm just waiting until all the stores open so I can boogie on down and get all the supplies I need. I need to sew like a mad woman tonight. Good thing I only have one costume to so or I wouldn't be sleeping tonight. Though helping people with costumes may have gotten me a partner for my store. Which would be deffinately cool. I think I could really use the help.
I wish the TV stations would get off their lazy asses and put together some horror movie marathons. I want some fine cinema to partake in while I work on all of this. Granted tonight I am supposed to go to the Hawaii international film festival to catch this crazy Japanese horror flick my friend was telling me about....BUT STILL!
I must admit that my friend picks out some pretty good pieces of Japanese film to show me. They actually have a pretty good feel for the horror market. I am getting a little tired of reading subtitles though.
I was talking to my really good friend in Germany today. Why is it that when people get just a base feel for something like sewing they think they can automatically come up with patterns? It took me years to perfect that skill. Then here comes my friend that wants to do a low cut corset number from this idea that's bobbing around in her head. All I can think of is....dear sweet god why spend twenty bucks a yard on material for a shirt that's going to be shot to hell because you were too stubborn to use the right pattern and notions! Down right frusterating when people don't take my advice when I actually have decent ammount of knowledge?!?!? Why god why?!?!
I think today would just be blissful if i could sit here sewing whilst watching the creature from the black lagoon. I havent' seen that movie in ages....stupid cable TV communists!!!!
Any way I should probably start working on all this stuff...Have a swell day people!
Now with all this stuff to do I can't see me taking the time to go down to the husbands boat and helping with make up for their haunted house this evening. Well there's that and I am still pissed at them for shit canning all my ideas because their commanding officer decided on the no gore rule. I mean how many little kids these days are going to believe that trolls and gorillas invaded a fucking military ship? What can I say? I think I'm a little pissed that they asked me to work on this then shit can a whole days worth of work and research.
Right now I'm just waiting until all the stores open so I can boogie on down and get all the supplies I need. I need to sew like a mad woman tonight. Good thing I only have one costume to so or I wouldn't be sleeping tonight. Though helping people with costumes may have gotten me a partner for my store. Which would be deffinately cool. I think I could really use the help.
I wish the TV stations would get off their lazy asses and put together some horror movie marathons. I want some fine cinema to partake in while I work on all of this. Granted tonight I am supposed to go to the Hawaii international film festival to catch this crazy Japanese horror flick my friend was telling me about....BUT STILL!
I must admit that my friend picks out some pretty good pieces of Japanese film to show me. They actually have a pretty good feel for the horror market. I am getting a little tired of reading subtitles though.
I was talking to my really good friend in Germany today. Why is it that when people get just a base feel for something like sewing they think they can automatically come up with patterns? It took me years to perfect that skill. Then here comes my friend that wants to do a low cut corset number from this idea that's bobbing around in her head. All I can think of is....dear sweet god why spend twenty bucks a yard on material for a shirt that's going to be shot to hell because you were too stubborn to use the right pattern and notions! Down right frusterating when people don't take my advice when I actually have decent ammount of knowledge?!?!? Why god why?!?!
I think today would just be blissful if i could sit here sewing whilst watching the creature from the black lagoon. I havent' seen that movie in ages....stupid cable TV communists!!!!
Any way I should probably start working on all this stuff...Have a swell day people!
Hope you have pictures of the ship!