So I've spent all day reliving my younger years watching two of my favorite childhood shows. It's funny how the mind works. I had all but forgotten the plot and characters to these shows and as I started to watch them it all came back. I started cracking up laughing when I could sing the fraggle rock theme song. Can any of you? It reminded me of the simple pleasures I used to enjoy when I was a kid. I miss toys.....so....after a web search I had to stop myself from buying this.....
Other than that, not much going on around here. I get my fauxhawk/mohawk what ever you want to call it on tuesday and at the end of the week we are off to go to Indianapolis for the game convention. I've never been to one before and doubt I'll ever be to another one but I'm still very curious as to what I will see while I'm there. I think I'm more excited about getting to see great danes while I'm there and checking out six flags. Just between you and me kiddies I've never been to an amusement park before. I have no idea what to expect!
What was your favorite childhood toy and show?
Where is the hawk?
I miss you!!!!!!!!!