Well, school is officially over and I'm starting on this whole vacation thing. I'm slowly getting used to the idea of having free time...it's a weird foreign concept to me. Any way, my vacation has thus far consisted of me going out to lunch at Poke Stop with my friend, going to the beach, cruising at Zippy's with a bunch of people, and then having...
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It has been a long time since I have been to Zippy's.
That is incredibly true. I should probably go there more than I do.
The madness is ALMOST over!!!! As of Wednesday I will be settled into Ewa Beach with my dags! As of Friday I won't have school until August!!!! Even though I still have to work, I don't care very much, it's the closest thing I've had to a vacation in three years.....THREE YEARS.
I'm so giddy with the prospect of free time I don't know what...
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I'm so giddy with the prospect of free time I don't know what...
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Go out and let loose! You deserve it, I definitely second that
That's a long time with no vacay!

Well, my left arm and only my left arm is sun burned due to a fantastic drivers tan I got going from doing errands and stuff today. In exchange for my sunburn I got my room painted today and tomorrow I will be working on the floors so hopefully by tomorrow night or monday I can have all my stuff moved in and I will...
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Actually I'm talking to a friend and he's telling me there are? Hmm I was mislead.
True, yes, I think if my friend wasn't fibbing there is one in Waianae somewhere, that would be less work for me if I could just stay the same.
Well, after weeks of struggling with boxes, storage, trips to Ewa Beach, and cat alergies we are almost moved out of our old house. We aren't quite moved into the new one just yet but it's a relief to not have that dead line looming over my head. I'm really looking forward to sleeping in and being able to catch up on school work (which...
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Oh man termites suck ass.
Whoa that does sound badass. I can't wait to live some where that will allow me to paint n'stuff.
Hooray camera abuse!
Haha, yay! Hopefully there will be more photo blogs to come. 

Well, my Easter was colorful and fun. I know fun isn't usually a word thrown in with this holiday but it was. I went to my Grandma's house where my parents stuffed us with smoked ham, garlic asparagus, and cheesy spaghetti squash casserole. This was followed by cherry cheese cake and pineapple upside down cake. Yum yum yum, love homestyle cooking! Especially when I'm not...
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I have looked on Etsy for baby stuff--I have quite a few things bookmarked. Eric's hanai-sister made a few "baby-sushi baskets" maybe she just assembled the clothes or made them too but she basically rolled everything so that it looked like sushi to give as gifts for friends. I was thinking of asking her to make one for me and tossing her like $50 or more because it's a lot of stuff plus a ton of time... but I'm not sure.
Also I will check out deviant art--thanks!
Isn't it funny the problems life puts before you? I mean, there are problems you will have to face that never in your wildest dreams did you think would be a problem. For instance, having to figure out a way to make a doggy diaper for a Great Dane, creating variety when faced with creating several hundred zombies, and the latest and greatest problem to...
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Hahaha evil ninja chickens, that made me laugh for realz.
I think the walmart aspect will be in full effect... have you checked around craigslist anywhere?
Livestock skillz=not my area of expertise either, but you seem like a quick study.
Themed quilts! My friend is having a baby, they just found out the 9th the gender: a little boy... they live really close to Huntington Beach and she decided to do a nautical theme... sailboats, and achors and light houses and what not... I want to make something for the baby's room since I will be 'psuedo-aunt' but i wasn't sure what... a quilt would be amazing but I really have no skills in the sewing department so I was thinking little square canvases with that sort of themed illustrations... hm.
*so random*
Livestock skillz=not my area of expertise either, but you seem like a quick study.

Themed quilts! My friend is having a baby, they just found out the 9th the gender: a little boy... they live really close to Huntington Beach and she decided to do a nautical theme... sailboats, and achors and light houses and what not... I want to make something for the baby's room since I will be 'psuedo-aunt' but i wasn't sure what... a quilt would be amazing but I really have no skills in the sewing department so I was thinking little square canvases with that sort of themed illustrations... hm.
*so random*
Well, I suppose that old addage about being careful what you wish for is true. I mentioned change in my last blog and boy is a bunch of change happening for me. At the moment I think I have some mutated form of the bubonic plague of which I must of contracted while enforcing the ten second rule or something. In mere days I went...
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First couple of times it was Wahiawa, on post, and then Ewa Beach, and Kaaawa once and then Waianae.
I plan to go all over... I have never been to another island besides Oahu. Eric's hanai sister is planning on doing Christmas/new years with us and wants to take me to see the volcanoes so I'm pretty excited about that. Otherwise--just everything.
Oh, Arizona. Bring on the green!
I plan to go all over... I have never been to another island besides Oahu. Eric's hanai sister is planning on doing Christmas/new years with us and wants to take me to see the volcanoes so I'm pretty excited about that. Otherwise--just everything.
Oh, Arizona. Bring on the green!
It's un-godly early and I just got home after dropping of Dean-Dean the Dancing machine at work. I can't go back to sleep and I have no clue as to why, I mean, I had only been asleep for two hours when I first got up. I suppose I shouldn't care as it is currently Spring Break and my only obligation for the day is...
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I feel your pain lady.
I feel like bitching and whinning for a sec so I think I'm going to indulge myself. This just plain old sucks! Dean is off island until thursday...so I miss him... My friend was sposed to come over for dinner tomorrow and celebrate Saint Patrick's day with us and she has yet to call even to flake. I'm supposed to be going to a play...
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