OK the show I went to last night kicked ass... totally bummed I couldn't go to the SG Burlesque in San Jose, but I had so much fun last night. I was hanging out at the bar and Geoff from Shrinkage comes in and is like hey we have some SoCo outside. We go outside to the van and everyone is pounding 100 proof SoCo including me now. Which when combined with cold medicine really fucks you up. I'm sure I can thank that for my hangover. Saw a new band called Justify and they sounded teally good. End talking with them and find out they haven't practiced in over a month... Completely suprised cause they sounded really tight... all in all it was a good night. Going to another party tonight... How am I ever going to get over my cold if I keep partying like this....
haha..great comment sweetie. Thank You! Get better soon.