Zombieland was a good as I thought, just saw Gogol Bordello live as well, they are amazing!
Have i really not posted any new blogs on SG since Aug. I am suffering from Social Network overload. Facebook, Myspace, blah blah blah. I can't keep up what is a guy to do.
Going to Burningman heading up on Saturday I will be At DeathGuild Thunderdome as usual.4:00 and Esplanade.
I have been working so much I haven't had a chance to update or say hi to everyone. I miss you guys.
Happy Valentines.

Ah valentine's! ewwww!!!! 

I can't believe it's been since Oct since my last post. I am finally trying to create a balance between my life and work. It's nice because the house is clean, it's getting re-decorated in the new year and I am much more relaxed. I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I am deciding today if I am having a new years party. If...
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Simple but true.
I work too much, I never get to see anyone because of it. It makes me sad.
I work too much, I never get to see anyone because of it. It makes me sad.

yeah, ive got a friend who is a cop, and he works a lot of overtime.. and because of that.. ha aboslutly NO time to see anyone or have any fun..
it sucks to be a slave to the money
it sucks to be a slave to the money

OK so it looks like Deathguild on Devil's Night and Drunken Monkey on Halloween.

hope you had a great 'devils night' hehe

Ok so who is doing what for Halloween? I am thinking Deathguild on Devils Night and DNA on Halloween.
As it turned out, I didn't get a chance to hit up the internet cafe and sit there, although I did get ice cream there and took note of all the elderly white retirees on their laptops. boobs?
yes, at least to the first one. The second one we'll be out of town...
So Hollywood is kinda cool, a ton of hot chicks and cool rockstars. Who knew?
hahaha are there convertables, palm trees, and moviestars too?