Chocolate Overdose
Now I understand why so many women would rather perfer a dark/milk chocolate morsels over beening with a lover. Last night I had an ovedose experience with a friend at her apartment. My friend just recently broke things off with two of her lovers and needed to vent to someone about the highs and lows of lovers. So I loaded up the Passat with the delectable sweet delites and went to her place. This girl talked for about an hour before ripping off the box of candies. As my friend ate each peice of chocolate cover items, she would tell me the different levels of orgasmic oral pleasures she was having with her new friend See's. So I figured, why not try the experience. So I put a mixed Cd ( Jill Scott , Tegan and Sara and some favortites) and eat. After a couple pound later, I got that great sensation my friend was talking about. At the end of the night, I said my Good Bye and Good Luck and Off I went at 3:300 am. When I was coming off my suguar rush I realized that Iwould still perfer being w/ a woman than gaining two pounds.
Now I understand why so many women would rather perfer a dark/milk chocolate morsels over beening with a lover. Last night I had an ovedose experience with a friend at her apartment. My friend just recently broke things off with two of her lovers and needed to vent to someone about the highs and lows of lovers. So I loaded up the Passat with the delectable sweet delites and went to her place. This girl talked for about an hour before ripping off the box of candies. As my friend ate each peice of chocolate cover items, she would tell me the different levels of orgasmic oral pleasures she was having with her new friend See's. So I figured, why not try the experience. So I put a mixed Cd ( Jill Scott , Tegan and Sara and some favortites) and eat. After a couple pound later, I got that great sensation my friend was talking about. At the end of the night, I said my Good Bye and Good Luck and Off I went at 3:300 am. When I was coming off my suguar rush I realized that Iwould still perfer being w/ a woman than gaining two pounds.
Chocolate is divine, but nothing close to sex. Combine the two, and I'm in heaven.