Swing Dancing:
I love swing dancing. I try to go a couple of times a week when I can manage it. I love the music, I love the moves, I love how much crazy fun it is. Fast or slow, Swing Dancing always makes me retardedly happy.
Punky/Nerdy/Geeky girls:

Is there anything better than a beautiful punk/geek/nerd girl? I think not.
PS. I love Suri the way Ninja Turtles love Pizza. True story.
My best friend in the whole wide world:

This is me and Marvel at the Harry Potter Premier. She was Tonks, I was a wizard poorly disguised as a muggle.

This is Me and Marvel as the a Ghostbuster and the Ecto 1 respectively.
I honestly don't know what I'd do without Marvel. She's the best person I know and I love her dearly.
My crew:

That's Jared, Marvel, Kim and Myself. They are my closest friends and the people I spend the most time with. Also the little guy whom I love more than everyone in the world put together

Star Wars:

Alright, not so much the prequels. Seriously though, nothing has had as profound an impact on who I am than Star Wars.

Come on, I have my very own replica proton pack that I built myself from scratch, do I even need to say anything else?
All the girls I've loved before:
A weird one I know but honestly, despite all the hurt I've gone through, I wouldn't be who I am without these experiences. The good out weighs the bad in almost all of these relationships, so for the most part these are pleasant memories. So here they are, in order.
We were together just over 7 years. She's a marine biologist, she's standing with the ulna (the bone that connects from elbow to wrist) of a blue whale in this picture. Mandy is 4'10".
Enchante and I dated for just shy of a year. It was nice. We're still very good friends to this day, and in fact Marvel and I recently attended her wedding.
Shauna and I were together for a couple of years and engaged for most of that time. Further details are available in the early days of my SG blog
Keli and I were together, cumulatively, for just shy of a year, though the span of our relationship lasted several. It would be wholly accurate, fair and completely truthful to call Keli the love of my life. I still feel her absence every day. Again, for those interested, further details available in earlier entries in my SG blog. It's a sad story though.
Dear_ and I dated for about 6 months. It was nice and I adore her still. Alas, distance was a killer, Victoria to Portland is a long commute and she needed someone who could be there more often than once a month. A sad day for me but I completely understand.
I'm not posting a picture because she removed them all from her profile before her account deactivated, so I'm going to assume she doesn't want pictures of herself on SG anymore. Erastella is Marvel's cousin. An interesting woman whom I really enjoyed spending time with. Alas, I guess I just wasn't for her. She called things off after about a month
So that's the history of my relationships. Good times most of the times.
And now it's getting very late so I think I'll wrap things up there.