Of Avatars, Bending and Dimensions X 3
I feel the need to jump in here and be clear: This is not a review of The Last Airbender. This is an article solely about the negative press the film has received prior to its release, and whether it's justified. At no point do I ever claim to have seen the final product, and I feel I am quite clear about what I am talking about in my article. I never critique the acting nor the story. I'll be seeing the film today, and then I'll be in a position to talk about the final product. So, before you praise or condemn me, remember, this is *not* a review of the film.
... constructive (non the less).
Did you just made a review and didn't watch the movie??????
... just tell me that you did.
Tell me that you watch the movie and wrote the critic after the fact.
I wouldn't disagree with you at all if you watch the movie and you talk after the fact.
This could be the best review ever if you just push your 'publish' button after watching the movie, not before.
Is a great buildup... enjoyed the reading... but you fucked up at the end... Just like M. Night Shalamwoom !!!
I have to mention again that was a great article, but was a big punch on the balls when I finally realize that you didn't watch the movie yet.
... useless to say that I didn't either, but that's why I was investing time reading reviews.
I'm pretty much sure you are right, but I always give the benefit of the doubt to everyone... including M. Night S...