Nearly got t-boned on the drive home tonight. 2 cars ran a red light. One of them missed me by about a foot, had to crank it hard to the right and mount the sidewalk to avoid being hit. Probably would have killed me at the speed he was going. Some small satisfaction in that a cop was also at the intersection and immediately pulled the one who nearly killed me over. Still, heart is racing, and Im not 100% sure that it wouldnt have been for the best. Oh well.
I am changing my life around, and trying to surround myself with great people.
wanna be friends?
I am currently reading ALL 74 issues.. and laughing a LOT! Laughing is good for healing, bi I am glad to have plenty to read!
And you referenced Ash. I am going to marry that man. AOD is my FAVE movie and Bruce is one of the greatest men I have EVER met!
Anyone that doesnt agree... can "kiss my entire ass"!!