So, I'm almost recovered now. And I've been called in for a second interview with a place that pays better than my previous job. So, fingers crossed on that. Also, I have now completed my costume, and it is so sexy I'm almost afraid to wear it, lest I find myself torn apart by ravenous women, like in an axe bodyspray ad. I'll post some pictures probably this weekend. So, things are looking up I hope. I'm trying no to be too optimistic given my track record, but it would be nice if I were finally through the last of it.
i find stuff always happens like this.... especially seeing how it's such an employees market these days it seems. last job i had totally sucked and i quit it so irresponsibly with no notice and i felt terrible and stressed... then after two weeks i found a job a million, billion times better. i wanted a longer vacation!
i am completely prepared. especially since i am at the disadvantage of not being able to brush up as cathy has my ps2... i have not played since my last humiliation and at that point i was already rusty. i know, i am always full of excuses.