Who does this kind of shit? Honestly.
So, I found out last night that my ex didn't leave me to "find herself" like she had told me, but had in fact left me for some new guy she's just met. Some white trash nightmare, former meth adict, ugly as fuck, with nasty greasy hair, a face that looks like it's been hit with a shovel, a propensity for wearing nothing but wife beaters, the makings of a very fine unibrow, and some of the saddest facial hair ever to shame a face.
A guy who can only be of interest to her because of his musical ability. Which will be fine until she realizes how much it sucks to be with someone who constantly reminds you that you're talents are meager by comparison. Excellent judgment on her part.
This morning she calls me, unaware that I've found out, to see about getting her stuff back. I confront her with my knowledge. She doesn't even seem sorry, more angry that I found out. So, I tell her she can send someone to get her stuff, but not him. He's not welcome in my building. Half an hour later *HE* calls to let me know he's coming to get her stuff. I told him no, I told him he wasn't welcome, and that I would not let him in the building. He came anyway. Someone let him in to the building, so then he was at my door with her new room mate, poor guy caught in the middle of this ridiculous drama. I told her new guy to leave. He wouldn't. I told him again, same response. I explain to him that I was very clear that he was not to come here, and that if he did not leave I would call the cops. He then threatens me with calling the cops himself (go figure) and further goes on to say he can get in if he wants and starts trying to force my door. So I call the cops.
I wish it didn't have to come to that. If he would have just left when I asked him too it wouldn't have been necessary. So, he finally leaves, the cops keep him out, I help the unfortunate room mate get all of her shit downstairs and out. In the confusion caused by all that bullshit we forget her bike, end table and book shelf. She's supposedly sending her friend Amanda to pick them up tomorrow. Granted, she had said it would be Amanda today, and that didn't work out so well.
I'm honestly stunned. I had no idea she was capable of being so heartless and callous. What in the world made her think that this was a good idea? What possessed her to send this guy?
The worst part is, if I hadn't found out last night by accident, I would have found out today when he showed up at my door. That's how I would have learned that she dumped me for that reject. I never would have imagined it possible that she could be so monumentally stupid, inconsiderate, cruel and heartless. I'm still in shock.
So, I found out last night that my ex didn't leave me to "find herself" like she had told me, but had in fact left me for some new guy she's just met. Some white trash nightmare, former meth adict, ugly as fuck, with nasty greasy hair, a face that looks like it's been hit with a shovel, a propensity for wearing nothing but wife beaters, the makings of a very fine unibrow, and some of the saddest facial hair ever to shame a face.
A guy who can only be of interest to her because of his musical ability. Which will be fine until she realizes how much it sucks to be with someone who constantly reminds you that you're talents are meager by comparison. Excellent judgment on her part.
This morning she calls me, unaware that I've found out, to see about getting her stuff back. I confront her with my knowledge. She doesn't even seem sorry, more angry that I found out. So, I tell her she can send someone to get her stuff, but not him. He's not welcome in my building. Half an hour later *HE* calls to let me know he's coming to get her stuff. I told him no, I told him he wasn't welcome, and that I would not let him in the building. He came anyway. Someone let him in to the building, so then he was at my door with her new room mate, poor guy caught in the middle of this ridiculous drama. I told her new guy to leave. He wouldn't. I told him again, same response. I explain to him that I was very clear that he was not to come here, and that if he did not leave I would call the cops. He then threatens me with calling the cops himself (go figure) and further goes on to say he can get in if he wants and starts trying to force my door. So I call the cops.
I wish it didn't have to come to that. If he would have just left when I asked him too it wouldn't have been necessary. So, he finally leaves, the cops keep him out, I help the unfortunate room mate get all of her shit downstairs and out. In the confusion caused by all that bullshit we forget her bike, end table and book shelf. She's supposedly sending her friend Amanda to pick them up tomorrow. Granted, she had said it would be Amanda today, and that didn't work out so well.
I'm honestly stunned. I had no idea she was capable of being so heartless and callous. What in the world made her think that this was a good idea? What possessed her to send this guy?
The worst part is, if I hadn't found out last night by accident, I would have found out today when he showed up at my door. That's how I would have learned that she dumped me for that reject. I never would have imagined it possible that she could be so monumentally stupid, inconsiderate, cruel and heartless. I'm still in shock.
well, he sounds like quite a lovely guy hahaha. At least you dont have to be jealous of a loser like that. It sounds like your ex is a loser herself to do all of this to you. You deserve someone sensitive and loving like yourself. I'm sorry all of this is happening to you...but remember, everything does happen for a reason and im sure you will come out on top. I responded to your last post on the breakup club board if you wanna take a look. I'm always here to support you.
Yeah those ads pop up everywhere!