Week 5
Status update: Shitty
I have just returned from Penny Arcade Expo 2007. It was awesome, but... This is really my first PAX without Shauna. It was really hard not to think about her the whole weekend. So much cool stuff was going on and all I could think of was how much I wished Shauna was there so I could be sharing it with her. It was especially hard when I got to meet Freezepop and was front row for their concert, because Shauna and I both love Freezepop.
I was with my best friends, which was good, but I had to hold it all in, which was not so good. I got home from work today and just started bawling in my car. A neighbour found me and took me up to my apartment. Embarrassing. I wish the pain would go away, or at least start to lessen. It just seems to hurt more every day though.
I just need a hug. And I don't have anyone to give me hugs anymore. Mom hugs just don't cut it.
Status update: Shitty
I have just returned from Penny Arcade Expo 2007. It was awesome, but... This is really my first PAX without Shauna. It was really hard not to think about her the whole weekend. So much cool stuff was going on and all I could think of was how much I wished Shauna was there so I could be sharing it with her. It was especially hard when I got to meet Freezepop and was front row for their concert, because Shauna and I both love Freezepop.
I was with my best friends, which was good, but I had to hold it all in, which was not so good. I got home from work today and just started bawling in my car. A neighbour found me and took me up to my apartment. Embarrassing. I wish the pain would go away, or at least start to lessen. It just seems to hurt more every day though.
I just need a hug. And I don't have anyone to give me hugs anymore. Mom hugs just don't cut it.
Aw, hugs!