I can't believe that no one wanted my Robotech comics. God I hate you all so much I don't even have the words!!! No, I don't mean that, I'm just speaking out of hurt. I'm sorry, let's never fight again.
I'm moved in to the new apartment now. It's pretty great. Few small complaints of course. The dude upstairs has the worst musical taste in the history of time, and he loves to play it loud with the bass turned waaaay up. Joy. Apparently he also likes to blaze up, although this has only happened once so far. The problem is it totally permeates my apartment with Marijuana reek.
For those of you who do rock the gange, let me make something clear. I don't care if you do or not, it doesn't bother me on any kind of moral grounds. However, you should knnow that that shit smells worse than just about anything. Burning Marijuanna smells like skunk. Very strongly. That's what I thought it was initially, I thought someone had hit a skunk out on the street outside, I'd encountered that scenario countless times in North Van. However, a trip to my balcony revealed that wherever the smell was coming from, it wasn't ouside. Then I clued in. And trust me, after you've gotten high, no matter how little it may effect you, or if your high has passed, *everyone* knows. Because you stink. A lot. and anything you touch before washing your hands, also stinks a lot. I can't count the number of times I received videos at the video store that just reeked of pot.
If you're gonna blaze up, be my guest, I don't care, but for the love of god have the common sense to do it outside somewhere, wash your fucking hands afterwards, by some serious breath mints, and for fucks sake, change your clothes! You might enjoy getting high, but rest assured no one enjoys the way you smell afterwards.
I'm moved in to the new apartment now. It's pretty great. Few small complaints of course. The dude upstairs has the worst musical taste in the history of time, and he loves to play it loud with the bass turned waaaay up. Joy. Apparently he also likes to blaze up, although this has only happened once so far. The problem is it totally permeates my apartment with Marijuana reek.
For those of you who do rock the gange, let me make something clear. I don't care if you do or not, it doesn't bother me on any kind of moral grounds. However, you should knnow that that shit smells worse than just about anything. Burning Marijuanna smells like skunk. Very strongly. That's what I thought it was initially, I thought someone had hit a skunk out on the street outside, I'd encountered that scenario countless times in North Van. However, a trip to my balcony revealed that wherever the smell was coming from, it wasn't ouside. Then I clued in. And trust me, after you've gotten high, no matter how little it may effect you, or if your high has passed, *everyone* knows. Because you stink. A lot. and anything you touch before washing your hands, also stinks a lot. I can't count the number of times I received videos at the video store that just reeked of pot.
If you're gonna blaze up, be my guest, I don't care, but for the love of god have the common sense to do it outside somewhere, wash your fucking hands afterwards, by some serious breath mints, and for fucks sake, change your clothes! You might enjoy getting high, but rest assured no one enjoys the way you smell afterwards.
Are Robotech comics good? I've had limited exposure to Japanese robot type comics.
i guess i am lucky because i have always enjoyed the smell of skunks... that must be why i am fond of pot as well.