Had me an excellent birthday this year, with all manner of Awesome activities that spanned 3 whole days, it was wicked! Saturday Foley and I kicked it very old school: That is to say, we played mega man until the very wee hours of the morning. Saturday I spent the day with Shauna, and took in her choir concert in the evening, which ruled. And my good friends Chelsea and Nelson were also there, playing their trombones. I don't know what it is about my life, but I tend to find myself contstantly in the company of tromboners. Shauna, Nelson, Chelsea, Kristyna, it's ridiculous. Tromboners are good people. I didn't get to see Chelson after the concert though unfrotunately, but that's cool. Sunday, my actual birthday, was spent with my friend Liesh, who made pancakes. These were consumed while watching a discovery channel special about alien worlds which was totally kick ass. We followed this up with a selection of saturday morning cartoons ranging from He-Man to Saber Rider. It was sweet. Then there were more video games, such as the ultra cool PS1 version of The Game of Life. Then there was dinner at the old spaghetti factory, where I had spumoni ice cream, the greatest ice cream known to creation. Finally, we capped the evening off with a viewing of the unaltered version of The Empire Strikes Back. And there was much rejoicing.
So there it is, my 27th birthday in a largish paragraph. Tadaaa!
So there it is, my 27th birthday in a largish paragraph. Tadaaa!
Victoria Event! If you are interested in applying to the group and don't meet all of the qualifications, coming out to meet & greets is one possible way of getting into the group.