SG Gathering Paris
March 19th, 2005
10pm - 12pm
Downstairs Le Truskel
12 rue Feydeau - 75002 Paris
Tl : 01 40 26 59 97
Mtro : Gds Boulevards, Bourse
The Location of the SG Gathering in Paris, France has changed. More people are showing up than we expected and we needed a larger venue. The SG Gathering will be downstairs in Le Truskel from 10pm - 12pm. From 12pm to 5am the downstairs of the bar will be open to the general public. Hope to see you there. ~Deacon
nah j/k wake me up before you gogo? haha c'est la meilleure rponse que j'ai eue je crois!
March 19th, 2005
10pm - 12pm
Downstairs Le Truskel
12 rue Feydeau - 75002 Paris
Tl : 01 40 26 59 97
Mtro : Gds Boulevards, Bourse
The Location of the SG Gathering in Paris, France has changed. More people are showing up than we expected and we needed a larger venue. The SG Gathering will be downstairs in Le Truskel from 10pm - 12pm. From 12pm to 5am the downstairs of the bar will be open to the general public. Hope to see you there. ~Deacon
Special thanks to AqMe for finding a new location