so last night stephen surprised me by taking me to see a one night showing of 16 candles. he is so sweet. tonight he is going to meet my parents, and my sister and her family. i never knew i could feel like this about anyone. he is so amazing. i cant imagine being without him. i know it sounds fucking nuts but we both already told eachother we love eachother and are talking about getting married. i have never said i love you to anyone in my life. i was with a guy for almost 4 years and never said those words. he is my soulmate. its like one of those crazy movie romances. i am the luckiest girl in the whole world. he is beautiful, smart, sensitive, funny, outgoing, and extremely thoughtful. i hit the motherfucking jackpot! 

Oh hell yes! These are the best moments of every relationship. Savor every moment you are alive! Live in the moment!
Ahhh, I'm so happy for you! It is amazing when you just have incredible chemistry with someone.