Saturday is coming, and with it Creamfields Lisboa.

It's going to be cool.
Will you join me there?
On other notes - I've spent wee hours yesterday, cooking.
Living alone has its perks, but it can also be quite a bore - though there are (far) more ups than downs.
Maybe it's just the garlic fighting against the soap?!
Do you live alone? What do you think about it?
Also - good news!
Finally Canon replied my e-mails, and I know when my 'precious' will be arriving from service.
Next week I should be getting the e-mail saying I can go and pick my 20D up - apparently, the problem was with the curtain, and they had to order the parts from Canon Europe.
Take my word for it - it had to be my camera, to have such a posh problem.
Thank God for Warranty!!!
For a good laugh (and a bit more than that), check out this *very* cool 4-part video:

It's going to be cool.
Will you join me there?
On other notes - I've spent wee hours yesterday, cooking.
Living alone has its perks, but it can also be quite a bore - though there are (far) more ups than downs.
Maybe it's just the garlic fighting against the soap?!
Do you live alone? What do you think about it?
Also - good news!
Finally Canon replied my e-mails, and I know when my 'precious' will be arriving from service.
Next week I should be getting the e-mail saying I can go and pick my 20D up - apparently, the problem was with the curtain, and they had to order the parts from Canon Europe.
Take my word for it - it had to be my camera, to have such a posh problem.
Thank God for Warranty!!!

For a good laugh (and a bit more than that), check out this *very* cool 4-part video:
Have fun and don't forget to be... naughty and nice!
Por sorte s raspou o para-choques e a roda, por isso a roda teve de ser substituda e ainda temos q ver se o eixo no ficou desalinhado... raspou na traseira do lado do passageiro, pq deu a volta e raspou no separador.
HAhaha!! os videos... impec