I can't afford the site once again. Nothing against the site. I'll renew again in the very near future. But if I disappear it's because I needed to appoint money to other things.
I've made some new friends on here. I adore them. I hope to keep in touch with them. @panthergirl. We gotta do that workout at the park someday.
In the meantime:
Been working out often and a lot. I'm not losing weight though. For every day I work out I come home and eat shit. Damn! 😐
Cool beans, @panthergirl. I dot think I'd be gone long enough to be missed. But I will miss out convos on ere. Here's to IG.
I'll definitely be looking for your return my friend. in the meantime, kudos on workouts ! I'm looking forward to exercising again... van life has me in a strange headspace. and yes you should definitely take a big trip whenever you can !