It seems that the really nice computer we have in the back office will now need to be moved up front. For our customers to use. They'll be able to handle their online accounts & search for movies. If you knew our customer base you'd realize it's bad news written all over it. But the funny thing about it is that our customers, they can't pronounce the movies they want to see let alone spell the movies they want to see.
Did you know all week customers have been asking if we have any Shooter Island? The movie starring the guy from Titanic.... Yep, it's gonna be interesting.
As for the shit part, the boss they told me that was fired is coming back. Apparently they didn't want to tell him why they fired him. So he trumped up some anti-gay charges & got his job back. Well good for him right, that's about it though. The days of 12 hours or less a week will likely be coming back. And then working there will be a nightmare again. The only good news which is actually speculation at the moment is that they're gonna fire him when he comes back if not tell him he has so many days to get the store in gear and then they'll fire him.
We'll see...
The tubing experience is usually hit or miss, this time it was really fun. It was a small group but we all did seem to have a good time. My only real problem with it is that I'm not as spry as I used to be. The simple tasks of jumping into the tube & pulling myself up into my tube has become herculean for me. ConnollyDaPerv & Adric gave me a ride there. On top of that they made this pretty bitchen raft or barge out of wood & some barrells. It floated prett well with all three of us, but it floated much better with just the two them haha. So I got off & onto my own tube, which is why I know I need to get into better shape next time I go tubing
I didn't take any pictures but I'll post the ones that manage to show up.
It seems that the really nice computer we have in the back office will now need to be moved up front. For our customers to use. They'll be able to handle their online accounts & search for movies. If you knew our customer base you'd realize it's bad news written all over it. But the funny thing about it is that our customers, they can't pronounce the movies they want to see let alone spell the movies they want to see.
Did you know all week customers have been asking if we have any Shooter Island? The movie starring the guy from Titanic.... Yep, it's gonna be interesting.
As for the shit part, the boss they told me that was fired is coming back. Apparently they didn't want to tell him why they fired him. So he trumped up some anti-gay charges & got his job back. Well good for him right, that's about it though. The days of 12 hours or less a week will likely be coming back. And then working there will be a nightmare again. The only good news which is actually speculation at the moment is that they're gonna fire him when he comes back if not tell him he has so many days to get the store in gear and then they'll fire him.
We'll see...
The tubing experience is usually hit or miss, this time it was really fun. It was a small group but we all did seem to have a good time. My only real problem with it is that I'm not as spry as I used to be. The simple tasks of jumping into the tube & pulling myself up into my tube has become herculean for me. ConnollyDaPerv & Adric gave me a ride there. On top of that they made this pretty bitchen raft or barge out of wood & some barrells. It floated prett well with all three of us, but it floated much better with just the two them haha. So I got off & onto my own tube, which is why I know I need to get into better shape next time I go tubing
I didn't take any pictures but I'll post the ones that manage to show up.
awesome profile pix!
i love you too, frankussss!!!!