I decided I'm just gonna ask someone to switch the day of my godparents ceremony or maybe hours with me if possible. At best I'll be getting out an hour earlier in the day, which means 10pm. I do hope I get to go but after getting a $45 dollar check last week the last thing I want is less hours. We'll see, I'll keep you informed. Also this is the first time I'll be closing, I asked never to close. This is the new store manager, so I'll be polite & professional & work it. Be polite & ask him never to do that again, unless of course it's absolutely necessary.
I think one reason I'm not getting call backs from places I apply is that I'm not sending in a cover letter with the resume. So I'm looking up how to construct one right now. I'm fucking rubbish at doing this shit, any advice or directions for a place to go for making these things.
I'm liking tinypixy's chances of going live with this set. It's also being very well reicieved. Make us both happy & make her an SG
tinypixy - ZoSo
I think one reason I'm not getting call backs from places I apply is that I'm not sending in a cover letter with the resume. So I'm looking up how to construct one right now. I'm fucking rubbish at doing this shit, any advice or directions for a place to go for making these things.
I'm liking tinypixy's chances of going live with this set. It's also being very well reicieved. Make us both happy & make her an SG
tinypixy - ZoSo
Just started talking to KravenSuicide, this set is the reason why. It really got my attention so I'm pointing out the painfully obvious that she belongs
KravenSuicide - Helium Dreams
I was wondering which of my friends turned into "Happy Halloween" lol
Have to agree with you both tinypixy and Kraven Suicide are absolutely due to become SG's. Such good people, and stunning at that. As far as the cover letter is concerned..the guys above have got it pretty much covered..Good luck