Ebay Ebay Ebay, I love Ebay. When a person lives in Podunk Alaska, where the only stores have the words "Outfitters", "Taxidermy", or "All night sex cafe" in them, Ebay can be a life preserver in a sea of isolationism. Oh capitalism, oh joy of joys, oh heaven. My will shall be done. If I so choose, the sun will not rise today. Nations crumble at the sound of my name, for I am The American Consumer. I work my ass off for 40-50 years to buy shitloads of useless, but essential crap. And hopefully carve out a niche for myself in this great land so that when I'm too old to work, I can continue buying the useless crap i so desire. A free market economy is the greatest thing to happen to humanity...
Thanks again!
Yours is good, too.