I come on here every day, and every time I think about updating my blog, but I never do. So, I decided to do it now, even though I don't feel like I've collected enough to say. Well, we'll see.
Christmas was lovely. I was at home for it, and it was rather fun. I got some lovely presents, which I will talk about at some other point, most likely! New years was better. My friends and I rented a cottage for the weekend, and had a lot of fun.
This is me being all moody looking in the car on the way there
I was actually highly enthralled by the views.
We visited the beach on the way home. My word, it was cool. The caves were awesome.
So was the sand. It had this strange two toned wave pattern.
I attempted to cut my hair, and the strimmers got caught right at the front, so I had to cut it all off. I look like a fool, but I'm enjoying not having hair to hide behind.
I have so much stuff to upload from my camera, but my cf card reader broke. What a bitch, eh? I have a new one coming tomorrow, though, so I'll update again then!
ALSO - I just finished 'Geek Love' by Katherine Dunn. I am in loooooove. I thank the amazing users of SG for recommending it to me in the first place. I anticipate lots of fan art from me in the near future.
What's your favourite book?

Christmas was lovely. I was at home for it, and it was rather fun. I got some lovely presents, which I will talk about at some other point, most likely! New years was better. My friends and I rented a cottage for the weekend, and had a lot of fun.

This is me being all moody looking in the car on the way there

We visited the beach on the way home. My word, it was cool. The caves were awesome.

So was the sand. It had this strange two toned wave pattern.
I attempted to cut my hair, and the strimmers got caught right at the front, so I had to cut it all off. I look like a fool, but I'm enjoying not having hair to hide behind.

I have so much stuff to upload from my camera, but my cf card reader broke. What a bitch, eh? I have a new one coming tomorrow, though, so I'll update again then!

ALSO - I just finished 'Geek Love' by Katherine Dunn. I am in loooooove. I thank the amazing users of SG for recommending it to me in the first place. I anticipate lots of fan art from me in the near future.
What's your favourite book?

My favourite book has to be The Good Prison Guide by Charles Bronson - the man is a total inspiration!