Well, I just got a gift account for one of my besties! Give her the lovely welcome that you gave me. =) xLemoLaurax.
I shot some self portraits today. I'm getting the hand of it, sort of.

Well, I just got a gift account for one of my besties! Give her the lovely welcome that you gave me. =) xLemoLaurax.
I shot some self portraits today. I'm getting the hand of it, sort of.

I've been web-mad today. I've been on here since I woke up, continuously - but I did get some things done!
I started a blog for my writing. There's only one piece on there so far, but I'd love to get some feedback on it. =)
Writing blog.
I also did some major amazon wishlist hunting. I look like a total perv from the first page! XD
And updated muchly over on my tumblr.
My tumblr.
I adore this pic of you, such a natural beauty. x