My hugely belated blog is finally here.
I really enjoy blogging. If my brain could update blogs automatically, I'd have a rather extensive back catalogue on here.
So, university. (Below is some more detail on the events to far

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
The first week was pretty uneventful. I think I had to go in two or three seperate times, just to sign bits of paper, and pick my modules. While in the module selection queue (I was stupidly early, so I was the first of a few hundred) I met my first friend. He's blond, and attractive, and rides a motor bike. He's also pretty fun. I'm hugely appreciate of his company, if I'm being honest. I haven't told him this - we have a sort of jokey kind of relationship at this point. Smoking and talking about attractive people. Haha.
For my modules, I selected Approaches to Gender in Literature (which is fricking awesome) and American Literature (which begins in semester 2). Currently, in Gender, we're reading 'Women writers of the fin-de-siecle' - which is a book of frickin' awesome short stories by turn of the century women. It makes me really fucking angry though, when I hear people making such stupid generalisations about gender. One guy, on the first day I was there, was joking to his friend about how gender is just about what dickheads men are, and how women want to rant about it. Then, a stupid girl in the year above me complained about feminists, and then said "I like men better, anyway. They're much easier to talk to." Urrrgghhhhh.
I cut a chunk of my hair off.
More pictures under the spoiler. I really love this hairstyle. I went all out, and shaved more or less half my head. I want to shave it all off, but my face is totally too round for that at the moment
My squintness is getting so much more noticeable. Haha. Maybe I should visit a doctor?!
Me and my lover took some pictures on my SuperSampler.
This blog is all pictures and no content! I've finally settled into uni, started being more happy. More news will follow, I know it.
Ohhh, and incase I don't update before then, I just found an old Halloween picture of me. I must have been about 6.
hopefully prettiest leg ever will follow
need to finish my ribs first